The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws in the universe. Just like gravity, it is always influencing your life and reality. And once you are aware of it you can leverage it to create the life of your dreams.
Simply put, the Law of Attraction says that you attract into your life whatever you focus on and feel strongly about.
So, if you focus on the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically attract more of those things into your life.If you focus on lack and negativity, then that is what you will attract more of into your life. It’s that simple – and that powerful.
Because once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, you can begin to consciously and intentionally change your results and create a better life.You can begin to choose to respond differently to the situations that arise during your day.You can choose to think differently by focusing on the things that fill you with joy and purpose.
And you can choose to create the future you want simply by intentionally taking the time to focus on what you want your life to look and feel like – instead of unconsciously living life by default, often creating the exact opposite of what you want.
The fact is, you are constantly creating your own reality at every moment.Your thoughts determine your feelings, your feelings determine your actions, and your actions determine your reality – so if you want to create a better reality, you have to start by thinking better thoughts.
Because when you are clear about what you want, and you put those clear intentions out into the universe, the resources, the people, and the opportunities you need to achieve your goals will start appearing to you, almost like magic.
Chances are they were there all along, but because you weren’t clear on what you wanted, you never noticed them.Once you activate the Law of Attraction through your intentional thoughts, these resources and opportunities will light up like neon signs saying, Here I am! Let’s do this thing!