The feeling imploded in my chest. Claws of shame splintered out, making my face bloom into heat.Worry overcame my mind, and spiraled into panic, guilt and a troublesome stream of thoughts.
You will never be successful, this is NOT how successful people behave.You must be a lunatic to think you could pull this off, who do you think you are?
You’d be better off just quitting, that way no one will know how embarrassing you actually are.Without realizing it this state of mind had become my default. Anytime I strayed from my stringent and obsessive path, panic set in.
Without realizing it my life had become a reaction to worry, which launched me into panic attacks, anxiety, doubt and immense shame.
I spent my days fantasizing about all the bad things I had ever done.My mind obsessed over things that could happen. Sad story lines of all the ways I would fail, screw up or be hurt by this life.